The traditional ballast starting, added high-pressure filament material suddenly without preheating, will take serious sputter and loss, and make the light turn black and scrap ahead of time. 传统的镇流器启动,未经预热突加高压灯丝材料会发生严重溅射损耗,导致灯管提前发黑报废。
Generally speaking, to delay the preheating time, we should select the relatively lower resistance, taller Tc point and bigger PTC Thermistor. 一般情况下延长预热时间应选用阻值较低、居里点较高、体积较大的PTC热敏电阻器。
Simulates specific subjects by using MATLAB and SIMULINK, the error of prediction in preheating time falls into the expected range. 利用MATLAB和SIMULINK对具体对象进行了仿真实验,预加热时间的预测值误差未超出预计范围。
The relationship between critical fracture stress and diffusive hydrogen content, preheating temperature, cooling time, postheating temperature was determined. 确定了两种钢的临界断裂应力同扩散氢含量、予热温度、冷却时间以及后热温度的关系。
Optimal value of preheating time in measuring thermal conductivity of insulation materials with steady state method was studied. 研究了稳态平板法测定保温材料导热系数时的最优预热时间;
It is shown that the temperature in the preheating zone should not be over 420 ℃ and particles retention time should be control in the range from 200s to 300s. 具体如下:预热带温度不应超过420℃;且颗粒在其中的停留时间控制在200~300s。
The actual retrofit results show that the coefficient of heat recovery is increased greatly, and the crude preheating temperature is raised from 288 ℃ to the highest of 303 ℃, The in-vestment payback time is only half year. 实践结果表明,原油预热终温由原来已经较高的288℃进一步提高最高可达303℃,投资回收年限为半年。
Wood thickness is the main factor affecting preheating time of wood. 木材厚度是影响预热时间的最主要因素。
It is proposed that end-breaking could be decreased by ( 1) reducing casting temperature, preheating metal patterns or putting off the time of pattern drawing, Consequently lessening σ R; 为减少断头可采取以下措施:(1)降低出钢温度、预热金属模或推迟脱模时间以减小σR;
An air cooling curve after large workpiece preheating is calculated out. According to these curves, a suitable welding temperature and time interval are determined for repair the heavy hopper. 还介绍了采用计算方法绘出大型工件预热在常温的冷却曲线,根据该曲线即可选定焊接时合适的温度和时间范围。
Determination of preheating time during wood drying 木材干燥预热时间初探
In this paper, We clarify the physical appearance and the experimental law of the abnormal heat effect among the preheating time and the guide temperature, and give it a inital explanation for micromechanism. 本文阐明了热负效应这一物理现象,热负效应与预热时间、诱导温度之间的实验规律;并对其微观机制提出初步解释。
The effect of preheating treatment process of cold rolls on induction heat quenched structures and the effect of heating temperature and time on structure and hardness have been studied. 研究了轧辊的预备热处理工艺对感应加热淬火组织的影响,感应加热温度和时间对组织和硬度的影响。
Influence rules of air intake preheating on revolution speed, starting time and HC emission in the starting process of electronic controlled diesel engine were acquired. 得出了进气预热在电控柴油机起动过程中对转速、起动时间、HC排放的影响规律。
The effect factors on the cutting quality in numerical control flames cutting contain the oxygen purity, the power of preheating flames and the preheating time, oxygen pressure, cutting velocity and the distance from cutting jet to workpiece. 影响数控火焰切割机切割质量的因素有氧气的纯度、预热火焰功率及时间、氧气压力、切割速度、割嘴到工件的距离等。
On the basis of heat source model, the functional relationship between match factor of process parameters ( product of rotation speed and force) and preheating time was established. 结合热源模型建立了摩擦堆焊工艺参数匹配因数nF(耗材转速与焊敷压力之代数乘积)与摩擦预热时间tp的函数关系。
The process parameters of electric upsetting include: velocities of upsetting cylinder and anvil cylinder, heating current, preheating length and time, etc. 电热镦粗成形过程的工艺参数主要包括镦粗缸活塞运动速度、砧子缸活塞运动速度、镦粗压力、加热电流和预热长度等。
The wetting force can be improved with higher soldering temperature and longer time of preheating and soldering, but it will be decreased with too high soldering temperature, too long preheating and soldering time. 钎焊温度升高、钎焊时间和预热时间延长,可不同程度提高润湿力,但钎焊温度过高、时间过长,润湿力下降;
The effect of different technical parameters in preparation for Mg_2Ni during thermal explosion reaction mode on the phase compose and morphology of product has been studied, these parameters include preheat temperature, preheating velocity, temperature holding time, pressure, Mg granularity and diluent. 探讨了热爆反应制备Mg2Ni的不同工艺参数对产物相组成及组织形貌的影响,主要包括预热温度、预热速度、压坯压力、Mg粉粒度、保温时间及稀释剂等。
The results show that the unsteady state process of fluid flow and heat transfer in laser molten pool is a preheating process as the highest surface temperature, depth and radius of the molten pool increase with the scanning time. 结果表明,激光熔池对流传热非稳态过程是一个预热过程,随着时间的推移,熔池最高温度不断升高,熔深和熔池半径不断增大。
The results of numerical analyses for preheating have signification to guide design and optimization of heating pipeline in barrel, and exactly predict safety time of preheating. 对机筒预热时间的数值模拟对机筒加热通道的设计和优化,以及准确预测安全预热时间具有指导意义。
As to thin-walled regenerators preheating the air and the fuel, the shorter switch time can result in the lower heat efficiency obviously and its later peak of heat efficiency. 对于双预热型薄壁蓄热系统,短的切换周期会明显降低运行经济性,并导致热效率峰值推迟出现。
Great heating power, long preheating time and high warm engine temperature enhanced the improvement. 加热功率越大、预热时间越长、热机温度越高,改善作用越明显。
The notion, apropos preheating time, was brought forward based on steady temperature in transient analysis. 根据模拟的准稳态温度,提出了合适的预热时间。
Based on the results of orthogonal experiments, the influences of processing parameters, including preheating temperature, annealing temperature, annealing time, coating number, aging time and annealing atmosphere, on the properties of ZnO films were studied in details respectively. 基于正交实验的结果,研究了前热处理温度、退火温度与保温时间、涂膜层数、陈化时间和退火气氛等工艺参数对ZnO薄膜性质的影响。
Among the three influencing factors, the adding amount of y-PGA had the highest effect on the surimi gel strength, followed by the preheating temperature and incubating time. 在各影响因素中,γ-聚谷氨酸添加量对凝胶强度的影响最大,其次是第一段加热温度,第一段加热时间影响最小。
The melting speed of polymer in barrel decreases with the preheating time cooperating with the change of temperature. 与温度变化相协同,高聚合物在机筒内的融化速率随预热时间逐渐减小。
By adjusting the heating mode, heating power, preheating time, warm engine temperature and other parameters, the impact of each project on cooling water, oil, exhaust temperature and speed changes are analyzed. 通过调节加热方式、加热功率、预热时间、热机温度等参数,分析各方案对发动机冷却水、机油、排气温升及转速变化的影响。